
      Why is treatment important?

      As you can imagine, not being able to breathe deeply enough might not only affect your ability to do some of the activities you love, but also places a lot of strain on your organs.

      Left untreated, OHS often results in:

      • heart failure on the right side of the heart1
      • pulmonary hypertension (where the blood pressure in the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the lungs is higher than normal) 1
      • polyglobulia (where there is an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells. Also known as polycythemia).1

      Because of the serious effects of OHS, it’s important to find out if you have it and get it treated.

      If you are already being treated for OSA, and still feel sleepy during the day and have headaches, talk to your care provider about being tested for OHS.



      Parameswaran, K, Todd, DC, Soth, M . Altered respiratory physiology in obesity. Can Respir J 2006;13(4): 203-210.

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